Showing 1 to 15 of 2288 results

Estrogen-related receptor gamma (ERRγ) Targeted Library
Innovative Products and Technologies Otava Research Institute

Lateral connection system by removable clamps for I or H profiles
Patents for licensing University of Vigo

LIH383: novel modulator of the opioid system regulator ACKR3
Patents for licensing Luxembourg Institute of Health

Method for cell identification and quantification with gold nanoparticles through hydrogen ion reduction
Patents for licensing CINBIO

Sistema y procedimiento de tratamiento anaerobio de fluidos residuales biodegradables
Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS

Material Characterization
Research Services and Capabilities TEC Eurolab

Soy-Based Polyols for Flame-Retardant Polyurethanes
Innovative Products and Technologies Airable Research Lab, business line of Ohio Soybean Council

Patents for licensing University of Alberta, Technology Transfer Services

Micro- and Nano-Encapsulation technologies
Knowhow and Research output ICN2

Microbial networks for sustainable aquaculture
Innovative Products and Technologies Kyoto University

High-definition respiratory monitoring tool - Bainisha's Twin Chest System
Innovative Products and Technologies Bainisha

Precision medicine for obesity treatment
Patents for licensing IBIMA-Plataforma Bionand

Kidney organoids derived from ADPKD-specific human induced pluripotent stem cells.
Innovative Products and Technologies Kyoto University

Continuous Production of Liposomes using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Innovative Products and Technologies University of Alberta, Technology Transfer Services