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Novel conic cannula for homogeneous injection of bone cements in the spine have been patented and developed. The new design is especially indicated for the injection of ceramic-based bone cements because the pressure drop developed along the cannula minimizes bone cement’s press filtering. Partners to further develop the technology and/or to establish commercial agreements along with technical cooperation are sought.
The Challenge
Is to minimize these problems as to extend the use of ceramic bone cements in the spine.
The Technology
The new conic cannula has been designed having in mind the influence of its geometry on both, the external pressure drop and the fluid flow velocity profiles established along its length. The new technology shows (when comparing to current double-length straight cannulas): a) a further reduction of the external pressure during the injection process; and b) continuous velocity profiles, which are optimum to minimize ceramic bone press filtering. The new conic cannulas can be easily manufactured.
Current stage of development
The computation results have been confirmed on several manufacture cannula prototypes.
Applications and Target Market
Multiple possible applications are envisaged, all related to the homogeneous injection of slurry-like, semisolid and/or viscous materials.
Several clinical target markets are possible: Dentistry, Orthopedics & Traumatology, etc.
Manufacturing Medical Devices Companies should be interested (consumables).
Innovative advantages
· The new conic, instead of straight, cannula further reduced the external pressure needed to inject the bone cement.
The new conic cannula developed continuous fluid flow velocity profiles along their length; these profiles are optimum to minimize ceramic bone press filtering.
The new conic cannula expands the clinical use of calcium phosphates bone cements (dentistry, orthopaedics and traumatology, spine, bone tissue engineering, etc.).
The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research in the fields of engineering, architecture and science, which contributes its knowledge and expertise in order to increase scientific output, transfer its results to society and provide a network of scientific and technical state-of-the-art facilities and technology valorization services that place us at the leading edge of innovation and economic development.
The UPC has established itself as a driver of innovation and is the technology partner of choice for companies and organizations with which it develops projects and builds partnerships. A role borne out by the numerous agreements and research projects that have been set in motion by groups, organizations and laboratories; the creation of new technology-based companies; the generation and exploitation of patents, and the scientific and technical services UPC makes available to its environment in order to generate progress and employment.
The Technology Transfer Office (SGI) is responsible of Designing, coordinating and implementing research valorisation strategies, carrying out the protection policy of the research results, marketing these results through license contracts and designing and setting up the University's enterprise creation model in order to transfer the results of the research to the market, protect and commercialize these results, promote the culture of entrepreneurship and innovation, and create technology-based companies within the UPC environment.
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