Procedure for fast differentiation between transgenic and non-transgenic soybean using protein chromatographic profiles.

Summary of the technology

A research group from the Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Department of Alcalá University has developed some procedures for rapid differentiation between transgenic and non-transgenic soybean using chromatographic protein profiles by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) on reversed phase using monolithic and perfusion columns. The group is looking for licensing agreements or collaboration and commercial agreements for technical assistance.

Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI

New and innovative aspects

These procedures represent a breakthrough for two reasons:

- It offers the possibility to use chromatographic analysis techniques that can be easily implemented in routine analysis;

- It allows fast screening between transgenic and non-transgenic soybeans based on the analysis of protein profiles expressed from the original or modified DNA (transgenic).

Main advantages of its use

- The procedures of the invention are simple, fast and affordable because they use a basic instrumentation in most analytical laboratories, in particular a liquid chromatograph.

-Both methods allow the rapid separation of soy proteins. In the case of monolithic column, 15 peaks are obtained in less than 8 minutes, and with the perfusion column, 14 peaks are observed in about 3 minutes.

- The method of sample treatment is simple and fast in both procedures because they involve the grinding of soybeans, and subsequent dissolution in a medium composed by water: ACN (80: 20v /v), sonication and prior centrifugation to chromatographic analysis.

- The two chromatographic methods can be used to make a quick screening that distinguishes between transgenic and non-transgenic soybean when the content of transgenic soy is high. Thus, peaks 8 and 9 for the monolithic column and the peaks 3 and 4 for perfusion column change the ratio of their size depending on whether it is transgenic or non-transgenic soybean.

- The chromatographic methods with the use of multivariate classification techniques can differentiate between transgenic and non-transgenic soybean even when the content of transgenic material is small. Multivariate methods have been used such as cluster analysis (Ward method) and discriminant analysis, allowing both of them the proper classification of the 16 tested samples (6 non-transgenic, 5 proven transgenic by DNA analysis and 5 standards containing 0, 0.5, 1, 2 and 5% (m /m) of transgenic soybean).


The invention consists of two analytical procedures by reversed-phase HPLC using  monolithic and perfusion columns for rapid differentiation of transgenic and non-transgenic soybean  using chromatographic protein  profiles obtained by different methods described in the table attached.

These separation conditions were applied to samples dissolved in water mixtures: ACN (80:20 v / v) allowing observe the same protein profile for at least a week. If the water content is higher, the solutions were more unstable, and if the organic content increases, the observed protein profile was changed.


  • Quality control and food safety

Intellectual property status

Patent granted with date 4/03/2010

Current development status

Already on the market

Desired business relationship

Commercial agreement with technical assistance

 License agreement

Related Keywords

  • Food Microbiology / Toxicology / Quality Control
  • Detection and Analysis methods
  • Food Technology
  • Health food
  • Agricultural genetic engineering applications
  • Fats and Oils
  • Chromatographs and related laboratory equipment (including spectrometers)
  • technologies for agrofood industry
  • food technology
  • food quality and food safety
  • methods of analysis and detection
  • nutrition and health

About Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI

The Technology Transfer Office at Alcalá University serves as a liaison between the University and its socioeconomic environment in terms of research and innovation. It encorages collaboration between research groups from universities and companies/institutions, with the objective to promote and commercialize research results and scientific capabilities.

Some of the services offered by this office are specified in the following list:

- Promotion of R & D and improvement of the relationships with companies.
- Promote the participation in R & D projects applicants to public calls (regional, national and European).
- Advising, processing and monitoring of patents and other forms of industrial protection.
- Support in the negotiation of contracts and agreements for R&D&i

Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI

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