Development of Electronic Systems for Smart Energy Management

  • Fundació URV
  • From Spain
  • Responsive
  • Innovative Products and Technologies

Summary of the technology

We develop electronic power systems with several power sources and loads, which allows the programming of various energy management strategies, based on algorithms and databases obtained by an integrated instrumentation.
Therefore, it offers the coordination and optimization of the different power sources, with the result of a high energy saving and life extension of the systems.

Fundació URV
Fundació URV

Details of the Technology Offer

We offer tailored smart systems for the coordinated use of different power sources and different loads as well as scalable systems in power and output with connection to bus AC and DC. This is directly applicable to the automotive industry and renewable energy. Several modular prototypes have been developed and implemented, corresponding to the different stages of energy conversion, aside from their digital control systems.

Intellectual property status

Other forms of protection

Current development status

Laboratory prototypes

Desired business relationship

Technology development

New technology applications

Adaptation of technology to other markets

In order to cover various technological needs in emerging sectors, we are prepared to develop several application systems under the approach proposed and on the customer's proposal.

Related Keywords

  • Electronic engineering
  • Automotive electrical and electronics
  • Renewable Sources of Energy
  • Energy Management Technology
  • Energy efficiency

About Fundació URV

The Technology Transfer and Innovation Center (CTTi) meets from the University environment the technological needs and services generated by the productive sectors and administration, through the management of Transfer of Technology and Knowledge, the Intellectual and Intellectual Property management, Technology Watch, Entrepreneurship, and Technology Infrastructures Offer (business incubator).

Fundació URV

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