Showing 1 to 15 of 2114 results
Video Interviews with auto-learning speech recognition and AI personality analysis

Video Interviews with auto-learning speech recognition and AI personality analysis

Investment Opportunities in Startups and Spinoffs HayStack Analytica
Low-cost sensorised device for (tele-)rehabilitation

Low-cost sensorised device for (tele-)rehabilitation

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alicante
New air purifier that destroys air pollutants.

New air purifier that destroys air pollutants.

Patents for licensing Ouest Valorisation
Fmoc-PNA-M(Boc)-OH Cas 1417611-27-8

Fmoc-PNA-M(Boc)-OH Cas 1417611-27-8

Innovative Products and Technologies Creative Peptides
C4Mir - Control module for multiple mixed-signal resources management

C4Mir - Control module for multiple mixed-signal resources management

Patents for licensing INESC TEC
SARS-CoV-2 Helicase Targeted Library

SARS-CoV-2 Helicase Targeted Library

Innovative Products and Technologies Otava Research Institute
Displacement monitoring in civil and industrial work structures

Displacement monitoring in civil and industrial work structures

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
Design of training programs and learning resources that promote autonomy and prevent dependence onold people.

Design of training programs and learning resources that promote autonomy and prevent dependence onold people.

Research Services and Capabilities UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS
In vitro method for the diagnosis or prognosis of neurodegenerative disorders

In vitro method for the diagnosis or prognosis of neurodegenerative disorders

Patents for licensing CINBIO
Patterned surfaces for physical entrapment of drug particles

Patterned surfaces for physical entrapment of drug particles

Patents for licensing UATEC - Unidade de Transferência de Tecnologia
NO BEAR ALLOWED.This devise prevent to entry of bears in rural area.

NO BEAR ALLOWED.This devise prevent to entry of bears in rural area.

Investment Opportunities in Startups and Spinoffs Nu innovations Inc
Laboratory of Applied Research - Cracow University of Technology

Laboratory of Applied Research - Cracow University of Technology

Research Services and Capabilities Cracow University of Technology
Information technology of automation of control of discrete technological and information processes (IT AC DTIP)

Information technology of automation of control of discrete technological and information processes (IT AC DTIP)

Innovative Products and Technologies Private person
Application of ultrasound in clinical physiotherapy

Application of ultrasound in clinical physiotherapy

Patents for licensing Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Prize-winning KIERSOL Technology -  Alkali Carbonate based absorbent for removing carbon dioxide

Prize-winning KIERSOL Technology - Alkali Carbonate based absorbent for removing carbon dioxide

Innovative Products and Technologies Korea Institute of Energy Research