Showing 1816 to 1830 of 2114 results
Stress and metabolic monitoring system to improve fish production

Stress and metabolic monitoring system to improve fish production

Patents for licensing Spanish National Research Council
A Sustainable Process for Phenol Production

A Sustainable Process for Phenol Production

Patents for licensing Yeda
Antibacterial Nano-Spheres, wide range of applications

Antibacterial Nano-Spheres, wide range of applications

Patents for licensing Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Vibration-Assisted ball burnishing

Vibration-Assisted ball burnishing

Patents for licensing Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC
Novel visual inspection system for quality control in production procesess

Novel visual inspection system for quality control in production procesess

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE
Waterproof optical probe with continuous and automatic register for nitrate concentration control of water resources (superficial […]

Waterproof optical probe with continuous and automatic register for nitrate concentration control of water resources (superficial […]

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
System of distributed irrigation monohatch with manual or automated operation.

System of distributed irrigation monohatch with manual or automated operation.

Patents for licensing Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI
Land application systems for urban wastewater treatment of small built-up areas

Land application systems for urban wastewater treatment of small built-up areas

Innovative Products and Technologies IMDEA Water Institute
A new PCR method for detection of bacteria and fungi in biological sample.

A new PCR method for detection of bacteria and fungi in biological sample.

Innovative Products and Technologies Centre Technology Transfer CITTRU
Compact and lightweight detector for simultaneous imaging of gamma and neutron radiation in medical applications

Compact and lightweight detector for simultaneous imaging of gamma and neutron radiation in medical applications

Patents for licensing CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Liquid biopsy for early detection of cancer or precision medicine

Liquid biopsy for early detection of cancer or precision medicine

Patents for licensing Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC)
BioCalibra: Device for activated sludge models calibration

BioCalibra: Device for activated sludge models calibration

Innovative Products and Technologies Universitat de València
Equipment for the Compression of Fluids Using Thermal Energy

Equipment for the Compression of Fluids Using Thermal Energy

Innovative Products and Technologies University of Luxembourg
Microbial networks for sustainable aquaculture

Microbial networks for sustainable aquaculture

Innovative Products and Technologies Kyoto University
Solar trackers based on parallel kinematics for its integration into Smart Grids

Solar trackers based on parallel kinematics for its integration into Smart Grids

Patents for licensing UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS