High-Frequency Nasal Cannula (HIFINC)

Summary of the technology

- Innovative High-Frequency Nasal Cannula (HIFI-NC) used for spontaneously breathing infants to avoid intubation or - postextubation respiratory support.
- Portable, lunch box-sized, battery-operated, positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), and adjustable device.
- Generates adjustable frequency vibrations to transmit to the nearest point of a nasal cannula, aiding infants in faster recovery from respiratory distress.

Georgetown University


Researchers at Georgetown University’s Department of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine developed a novel High-Frequency Nasal Cannula (HIFI-NC), which is a high-frequency nasal cannula used for spontaneously breathing infants to avoid intubation or postextubation support. HIFI-NC is a portable, lunch box-sized, battery-operated, PEEP- (positive end-expiratory pressure) adjustable device that generates a set of frequency vibrations that can be increased and tuned to transmit vibrations to the nearest point of a nasal cannula. This device facilitates faster carbon dioxide removal, similar to bubble CPAP and jet ventilators, and thus helps infants recover sooner from respiratory distress. Currently, none of the noninvasive ventilatory modes have this added advantage of high-frequency vibrations that can be tuned to suit infant needs.
Because of the added advantage of vibrations, this device may very well prove to be superior to other NIV and has great potential to reduce premature infant chronic lung disease. This device is very well-suited for both developing and developed countries that may have economic restrictions in securing high-tech ventilators, such as jet ventilator that has high-frequency vibrations.


Every year thousands of premature infants all over the world suffer from lung diseases secondary to invasive ventilation. Some of these infants may have long-term morbidity and increased mortality. To minimize lung injury in premature infants, there has been renewed interest in improving noninvasive respiratory (NIV) support techniques in order to avoid intubation and mechanical ventilation. Bubble continuous positive airway pressure therapy (B-CPAP) has been used extensively for the past decade to provide NIV support in premature infant lung diseases. It is believed that the pressure oscillations generated by bubbling in B-CPAP facilitate CO2 removal, but currently, they are not measurable. HFNC (High Flow Nasal Cannula) is also commonly used as NIV support but is believed to be inferior to nasal CPAP.


  • Portable, lunch box-sized, battery-operated, positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), and adjustable device.
  • Accelerates carbon dioxide removal, similar to bubble CPAP and jet ventilators, promoting faster recovery in infants with respiratory distress.
  • Offers the unique advantage of customizable high-frequency vibrations tailored to infant requirements.
  • Ideal for both developing and developed countries with economic constraints in obtaining high-tech ventilators like jet ventilators with high-frequency vibrations.

Market Application

  • Great potential to reduce premature infant chronic lung disease and to minimize lung injury in premature infants.

Related Keywords

  • Clinical Research, Trials
  • Cytology, Cancerology, Oncology
  • Medical Research
  • Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering
  • Health care
  • Oncology
  • Medical equipment
  • injury
  • lung disease
  • infant

About Georgetown University

Our mission is to advance GU’s innovations through strategic alliances and new venture creation, to facilitate the translation of research breakthroughs into tangible solutions, and to cultivate a dynamic and inclusive environment for entrepreneurship. We advance this mission in support of the GU community and for the benefit of society.

Rohan Joy Mathew

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