DEVECA - Mobile application for the detection of fragile vehicles on roads.

  • From Spain
  • Responsive
  • Patents for licensing

Summary of the technology

Mobile application that allows to anticipate the risk situation in order to increase the driver's attention during the stretch of coincidence with a fragile vehicle. This application collects geolocation data of the subjects and stores them so that the main companies offering GPS services can use them to include a reference in their maps.


Details of the Technology Offer

New and innovative aspects

This invention addresses an existing gap in geolocation and accident prevention applications for fragile vehicles, such as cyclists, on urban and interurban roads. DEVECA introduces the ability to communicate the presence of cyclists, improving awareness and road safety.

Main advantages of its use

- Accident Prevention: Anticipates risky situations, allowing drivers to increase their attention when approaching cyclists, reducing the possibility of accidents.

- Inclusivity: It does not require additional infrastructure, as it works on standard mobile devices.-

- Simplicity: It is intuitive for cyclists and drivers, allowing a fast learning curve.


The software presents the approach of a "publisher-subscriber" communication model. In this scheme, the mobile application acts as the "publisher", notifying the location of fragile vehicles, such as cyclists, to other GPS devices on the road. This communication relies on the efficient use of the memory, battery and standard geolocation system present in the smartphones of the issuing users.

The application is distinguished by its ability to integrate with geolocation platforms, which have an extensive global user base. This type of collaboration significantly expands the scope of information on the presence of cyclists on the roads, as the DEVECA mobile application can collect geolocation data from the subjects and store it in a way that it can be used as a reference in its maps. This technical approach not only simplifies implementation by not requiring additional infrastructure, inputs or machinery, but also allows both the publishing and information consuming applications to run effectively on standard mobile devices, facilitating their adoption by users.

In addition, the invention suggests future applications, such as the detection of other vehicles in risky situations and its potential use in the development of autonomous vehicles.


The software improves road safety by enabling cyclists to share their position on national and local roads. Its application extends to both urban and interurban roads, focusing on preventing accidents caused by inattention or unawareness of the presence of fragile vehicles.

Intellectual property status

Protected by software

Current development status

Device already developed and validated for industrialization.

Desired business relationship

Commercial Agreement, License Agreement, Technical Cooperation: further development; Technical Cooperation: testing new applications; Technical Cooperation: adaptation to specific needs.

Intellectual property status

  • Granted Patent
  • Patent application number :software

Attached documents

Related Keywords

  • Electronics, IT and Telecomms
  • Protecting Man and Environment
  • Social and Economics concerns
  • Communications
  • Computer related
  • Medical Health related
  • Consumer related
  • Other
  • mobile
  • Software
  • GPS
  • prevention
  • Geolocation
  • application
  • road safety
  • accidents
  • cycling
  • drivers
  • dgt


The aim of the The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the Univesidad de Burgos is to promote Innovation technology through the reseach results transfer and the conexions between the University and the new needs and requirements of the society - we are the link between the University and the Industry. Contact person: José Manuel López (


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