Seeking patents for license: DE, EP and US issued patents

  • From Spain
  • Very responsive
  • Deadline completed
    The submission process for new proposals is closed. Proposals submitted before the deadline will follow the standard evaluation process.

Desired outcome

We are seeking patents granted in Germany (DE) or as European Patents (EP) and US-issued patents in the fields of "advanced cars".
PCT, EP or US patents having good search reports are also considered.
Technologies envisaged comprise, i.e., electric devices, systems, software or managing methods for e-vehicles, self-driving vehicles, battery packs and chargers, communications and IoT devices within vehicles, including two, four or more wheeled vehicles. Automobiles using more efficient fossil fuels can be also sought.
We will analyze the patents and assess them for licensing or otherwise monetization.


Details of the Innovation Need

Simple, Easy, Comprehensive Patent Licensing for Advanced Vehicle (AV) Patent Owners and Users

Your autonomous or electric vehicle innovations accelerate when you can easily license all the patents you need, and earn income from the patents you own. Fact: successful autonomous vehicles use tens of thousands of patented inventions. As a patent user or owner, old-school patent licensing and litigation is too pedantic, archaic, and insanely expensive. Your autonomous or electric vehicle products must use fully licensed patents now, without the years of negotiating patent licenses with every single patent owner, risking insanely expensive patent litigation, and ensuring you receive the income you deserve from others using your patents.

Old-school patent licensing is insanely expensive, time-consuming, frustrating, and ultimately unprofitable for both patent owners and users. The Advanced Vehicle PatentBook simplifies and streamlines autonomous and electric vehicle patent licensing for everyone. Beat the competition by getting started today!

Related Keywords

  • Electronics, IT and Telecomms
  • Industrial manufacturing, Material and Transport Technologies
  • Energy Technology
  • Lightweight
  • Communications


CABIER INSTITUTE is an Institution dedicated to training, consulting and entrepreneurship in the areas of R&D and innovation. We emphasize in the value of intellectual property and in the quality of patents and technology transfer.The combination of experience, talent and expertise in all sectors makes IGC a leading consultant. The added value of our services rely upon the collaboration with customers, the specialization to the highest degree in every technical area and upon the strategic vision of the use of Intellectual Property (IP).


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Innovation Needs on Innoget are directly posted and managed by its members as well as evaluation of proposals. Innoget is the trusted open innovation and science network aimed at directly connect industry needs with professionals online.