Device for detecting early cervical and oral cancer

  • Laijo from Centre For Future (CFF)
  • From India
  • Responsive
  • Innovative Products and Technologies

Summary of the technology

This device is used for detection of most of the early cancerous and high-grade precancerous lesions of cervix and oral cavity. It gives a complete white light spectrum (equivalent to day light 5500-6000 K) and provides magnification with interchangeable lenses with optical power from 1 to 4 dioptre. The light of this instrument goes deeper inside the mucosal folds and provides a clear view with magnification for the differentiation of various categories of lesions. The aceto-white lesions of the cervix are screened by means of this device after the application of 5% freshly prepared acetic acid on cervix. The oral cavity is rinsed with 1% acetic acid solution for 20 seconds followed by water to remove the mucous and saliva and the examination is done. If any lesion suspicious for cancer is identified by this device, the observations regarding location, size, morphology and colour of the lesion are recorded and then confirmed cytologically and histologically. It is proved from the validation studies that this low cost portable device is with sufficient sensitivity and specificity in detecting high grade pre-cancerous and early cancerous lesions of uterine cervix and oral cavity. The technology provides a high sensitivity with a specificity of 94.3% for precancerous and early cancerous lesions of uterine cervix and reduces false positive results.

Details of the Technology Offer

This is an implementation device of the VIA under magnification (VIAM) technology for detection of pre-cancerous and early cancerous lesions of cervix and the oral cavity. Screening population for cervical and/or oral cancers based on visual techniques includes visual inspection (VI), VI with acetic acid (VIA) and VIA under magnification (VIAM).

Visual Inspection: Also known as downstaging, the method involves a naked-eye detection of the lesions via a trained paramedical staff to identify any abnormality including suspicious cervix and refer the case early to centres. This method suffers from major drawbacks like low sensitivity and specificity and requirement of trained personnel.

VI with acetic acid (VIA): These are visualization techniques involving the examination of the cervix with the naked eye, using a bright light source, after one min of 3–5% dilute acetic acid application using a cotton swab or a spray. Detection of well-defined acetowhite areas (developed as a result of interaction of acetic acid with the lesions leading to coagulation of intracellular proteins) indicates a positive test.

VIA under magnification (VIAM): This is an advancement on the VIA method involving the visual inspection with acetic acid under magnification of various orders. The device follows the VIAM technique and the procedure includes applying 5% freshly prepared acetic acid on cervix and then observing the cervix carefully for aceto-white lesions if any, through magnifying lens in a white light. The white light (including a full colour spectrum) has color temperature of 5500K – 6000K. The magnifying lenses are interchangeable for different magnification with a recommended combination of 1+ and 4+ diopter lenses. 

Intellectual property status

Granted Patent

Patent number :

Where :

Related Keywords

  • Biological Sciences
  • Medicine, Human Health
  • Clinical Research, Trials
  • Cytology, Cancerology, Oncology
  • Diagnostics, Diagnosis
  • Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering
  • Surgery
  • Agriculture and Marine Resources
  • Medical Health related
  • Medical equipment
  • Diagnostic equipment
  • cancer
  • cervical

About Centre For Future (CFF)

Centre for Future (CFF), dedicated to Bringing Innovations to the World, work with companies in different field of technology .We have a Global Innovator Network of 3000 innovators including PhDs, Engineers, Lawyers, Doctors etc; for consulting on various research & development and technology related projects. Our clientele include Tech companies, Incubators, Accelerators, Universities, Industry Clusters, SMEs and Govt. Organizations.

Laijo Jose

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