Seeking Food-grade paper stiffening and moisture resistant technologies

  • Strategic Allies Ltd.
  • From United Kingdom
  • Responsive
  • Project Size Range : 50,000 - 250,000 €
  • Deadline completed
    The submission process for new proposals is closed. Proposals submitted before the deadline will follow the standard evaluation process.

Desired outcome

The client is a global FMCG company that manufactures a wide range of consumer products and is seeking to remove the use of single-use plastic ingredients from its product portfolio as part of its ongoing sustainability programmes. However, the plastic ingredients currently used in the client’s products provide several important functions, including rigidity and moisture resistance. Replacing these plastics with alternatives such as recyclable paper-based materials means that some of these functionalities are lost. In order to overcome these limitations, the client is seeking technologies that can be used to strengthen paper.

Details of the Innovation Need


The client is therefore actively searching for food-grade paper stiffening and moisture resistant technologies that would comply with the EU Single Use Plastics Directive (i.e. not be classed as single use plastic). Potential solutions could include but are not limited to:

  • Agents, additives, binders, barrier coatings that can be applied onto paper material to increase the stiffness/rigidity, sealing or moisture resistance of paper
  • Specialty-grade papers that deliver good product integrity including stiffness and rigidity
  • Bio-based alternatives to plastic films and fluoropolymers in paper, board and fibre coatings
  • Technologies used in industries such as food service (e.g. single-use paper/fibre-based tableware, cutlery, straws with the ability to withstand liquid for a period of time)
  • Technologies used in FMCG / retail industries (e.g. single-use packaging)
  • Sustainable materials classed as non-plastic that could be processed in the same way as paper (e.g. high speed manufacturing processes for shaping, gluing and cutting)


- Biodegradability or compostability is a bonus but not a requirement

- Bioplastic-based solutions are out of scope

Ideally, technologies would be commercially available globally or close to commercialisation within the next 18 months. However, early stage technologies that meet the criteria would still be of interest.

The client is a large and well established business with excellent market access. They are searching for companies developing and supplying solutions to meet their current and future product demands, and so this represents an excellent business opportunity for a new and ongoing supplier relationship. The client is also open to R&D collaborations with companies that have interesting technologies meeting their criteria but may need further help with development.

Related Keywords

  • Coatings
  • Packaging for materials
  • Materials Technology
  • Agriculture and Marine Resources
  • Agrofood Industry
  • Technologies for the food industry

About Strategic Allies Ltd.

Open Innovation Consultancy Company searching on behalf of multi-national, manufacturing clients.

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