Open Innovation Leader
Open Innovation is about building a community that solves business problems that matter to people, society and the planet. It is about being humble and curious about what’s happening outside the walls of...
The Singapore Management University Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SMU IIE) is a practice-oriented institute that nurtures changemakers and founders who aspire to make the world a better place. To achieve this mission, SMU IIE focuses on its three areas of competencies which include customised training programmes, an equity-free incubation programme, and fostering a cohesive innovation and entrepreneurship community.
October 2014 - Present
The Trusted Global Open Innovation, Science and Technology for companies, Startups, Scientist, Experts, Research Groups, Universities, Research & Technology Organizations, Business Angels; Corporate Venturing and Venture Capital.
Science2Society -
March 2016 - Present
February 2006 - October 2014
ESADE Business School & LAw
January 0198 - January 2001
Business model analysis, Marketing
IE Business School
January 2003 - October 2003
--- This article was originally published on The article has been replicated on Innoget's Innovation Blog by Innoget's Editorial Staff for information purposes. --- 22/10/2020 - CASTELLÓ. Espaitec, Parque Científico y Tecnológico de la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló organiza la Jornada Innovatossals 2020 (Innovando con Tombatossals), evento que forma parte del programa...
--- This article was originally published on July 19, 2019 by Prof. Thomas Menkhoff and Alex Teo Hong Hak, both from the Singapore Management University, at the online daily The article has been replicated on Innoget's Innovation Blog by Innoget's Editorial Staff for information purposes. --- How to make innovation work Establish a programme, corporate venture fund or an open innovation ecosy...
Ahead of our communication efforts to raise Innoget's profile through innovation events, online marketing actions and media outreach, our CEO Jordi Ràfols was recently interviewed by the Spanish international radio station operated by Radio Nacional de España (RNE), Radio Exterior. Radio Exterior de España has an audience of 80 million listeners, surpassed only by the BBC and Vatican Radio, and broadcasts 24-hours...
The company, which owns the largest open innovation network, is organizing a symposium on November 19th in Barcelona with the main goal of facilitating connections between companies from both regions. 14 companies from the Canadian region of Alberta, funded with 250,000 €, will join the symposium with the goal of developing international cooperation projects with Spanish organizations. The event takes place with the ...
CEO at Innoget
0 publications
CEO at Innoget
OI intermediaries market has been growing quite fast during the last 16 years since H. Chesbrough coined the term back in 2002. I have seen many different types of vendors offering intermediary services, from traditional technology brokers, software companies, consulting companies and alike. On the other hand, quite a big effort has been made by top leading industries to better understand where the real value of OI is and gain internal skills to ...
CEO at Innoget
0 publications
CEO at Innoget
The MIT Sloan Advanced Certificate for Executives in Management, Innovation, and Technology (ACE) program tends to draw business leaders who appreciate in-depth, hands-on learning experiences because they see the value in applying what they learn immediately in their organizations. Hamilton Mann, Group Director, Global Digital Marketing and Digital Transformation at Thales Group is no exception. Thales Group is a global leader in advanced t...