Débora Oliveira

Scientist at Federal University of Santa Catarina

Brazil · FlorianópolisJoined August 2021


She has a long experience in the field of Biotechnology, including Enzymology and Fermentative Processes, acting on the following topics: Production, purification, and immobilization of enzymes; Development of enzymatic processes of interest to the textile, combustibles, and modification of oils and fats area, focusing on research, development, and innovation within these areas; Development of fermentative processes with a focus on using residues as substrates. She has about 300 articles published in scientific journals in the area and has supervised around 100 master’s dissertations and doctoral theses, in addition to having supervised several postdoctoral internships.

Research areas of interest (3)

  • Industrial Technologies
  • Energy Technology
  • Biological Sciences

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