Research organizations work
with Innoget to generate new projects connecting with verified industry partners

Innoget connects your team to 175,000+ decision-makers around the world, providing access to hundreds of funding and research opportunities you will find nowhere else.

Thousands of R&D organizations trust Innoget for connecting
with industry partners. Here are just a few.

Don't just take out word for it.
Read what Innoget members say.

We're trusted by industry market leaders worldwide

Digitalize your workflow. We're the reference for effective online open innovation and technology transfer.

Innoget's leading platform provides integrated open innovation and technology transfer functionalities and services to easily dinamyze, externalize and internationalize your scientific
and technological offer like any other platform.

€ 30M in funding, research and innovation opportunities managed each year on average.

More than € 500 M managed over the last 10 years.

Innoget Technology Transfer process for R&D Organizations

Give your technology transfer and commercialisation activities a boost
with Innoget's dedicated services.

R&D Organizations working with one of our Research plans benefit from higher exposure, direct introductions to verified industry partners, full marketing support and dedicated technology transfer services to better market their technologies, beyond the benefits below:

  • Showcase unlimited scientific and technology publications
  • Submit direct proposals to industry needs
  • Receive direct introductions to industry partners
  • Easily evaluate new contacts with the integrated dashboard
  • Manage a dedicated technology transfer profile
  • Track the performance of your activities
    with the Extended Reports
  • Collaboratively manage publications and contacts with your team
  • Receive dedicated marketing and communication support

Book a meeting to learn more about our Research plans, or create a free account to start benefiting from Innoget.

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