New set of software tools for the strategic planning of 2nd and 3rd generation mobile networks and its extension to networks of 4th generation LTE

Summary of the technology

The principal potential of these tools lies in the use of very advanced algorithms of planning of mobile networks that allow to optimized the network from the point of view of the investment that has to be done by the operator.
The current commercial models are usually based on small programmes done in Excell that evidently does not have the optimum potential of these heuristic developed in languages of high-level programming.
These tools provide the necessary information to the cost model LRIC Bottom Up defined by the European Commission.
Operators and governments of different countries already have used the tools that are described in this document.

Description of the technology

A research group from Alcalá University has developed in collaboration to a research group from Cantabria University, a set of software tools for the planning of mobile networks very useful to make a network design appropriate from the point of view of total costs, so much if the planning is used for the calculation of the interconnection costs, since for strategic studies of investment on new services.


The development consists of a set of tools under GSM-CONNECT generic name and is divided in the following parts: - Tool for the Cellular Unfolding: This tool is capable of calculating the quantity of base stations to a national level of each one of the types specified by the operator. Using an algorithm of optimization, for each zone of each city considered in the scene, this tool chooses the best of the possible BTS (considering one or several bands of frequencies). This process, repeated at a national level, provides the values previously mentioned. In addition it provides exhaustive information about the total traffic and of every service that is attended by the BTS. - Tool for the calculation of BSC’s network and the links BTS-BSC (Network of Aggregation): by means of a heuristic algorithm of selection, it is calculated among all the BTS which ones are going to be used as BSC and, depending of the type of the used BSC, how many and which ones of the remaining BTS’s will be assigned to each BSC. In addition it establishes the hierarchy network of links among them, depending of the technical elements specified by the operator (typically radio links on 2 Mbps). - The third tool consists of the calculation of the following step of the hierarchy, that is to say, the determination of the centers of mobile communication (MSC's), how many and which ones BSC’s will connect to every MSC and the necessary links. For it a heuristic algorithm similar to the previous case is applied taking into account the technical restrictions of the MSC’s that the operator works with. - The last module focuses on the dorsal network or core network: It makes the calculation of the links (with their capacities and systems) necessary among the MSC’s as well as the rest of the necessary elements in the NSS of the mobile network. Each of the tools supports on the results obtained by the previous tools. Hereby, the traffic in a link BTS-BSC depends on the calculated traffic in the tool of cellular unfolding. All the traffic in the BSC will be used later in the calculation of the MSC's and the links. Finally by means of the matrix of routing provided by the operator, the links are defined in the dorsal network. At the end of the whole process a total photography of the network is available, with the corresponding values as for the equipment in every category and therefore the costs of investment. With these modules of planning the operator has a powerful tool to be able to make the corresponding strategic studies.

Main advantages of its use

  • It is a model developed by Universities and underwritten by international publications (magazines and congresses) that provides an added value in the offers of the NRA.
  • This innovation consists in a set of tools of planning of software with complex algorithms of planning that allow to study all the particular aspects of the network.


  • Consulting companies focused on economic studies and regulation of markets. In concrete from the sector of telecommunications.

Related Keywords

  • Mobile Communications
  • Network Technology, Network Security
  • Other telephone related (including telephone cost accounting systems, telephone related telephone test systems and telephone answering service equipment)
  • Communications/networking
  • Mobile Communications
  • Telecommunication Networks
  • mobile networks
  • GSM
  • cellular unfolding

About Universidad de Alcalá-OTRI

The Technology Transfer Office at Alcalá University serves as a liaison between the University and its socioeconomic environment in terms of research and innovation. It encorages collaboration between research groups from universities and companies/institutions, with the objective to promote and commercialize research results and scientific capabilities.

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- Promotion of R & D and improvement of the relationships with companies.
- Promote the participation in R & D projects applicants to public calls (regional, national and European).
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