• José Manuel from GDE
  • From Spain
  • Responsive
  • Innovative Products and Technologies

Summary of the technology

The developed system consists of foamed, flame retardant and biodegradable spheres that would help to put out the fires efficiently and at a distance, so that firefighters and other personnel who act to extinguish the forest fire would not live so much risk. The capsules can extinguish the fire or prevent it to advance almost instantaneously.

Details of the Technology Offer

The developed system consists of foamed, flame retardant and biodegradable spheres that would help to put out the fires efficiently and at a distance, so that firefighters and other personnel who act to extinguish the forest fire would not live so much risk. The capsules can extinguish the fire or prevent it to advance almost instantaneously. They are capsules about two meters in diameter that contain an aqueous compound with a chemical agent and other elements that explode like a cluster bomb when they are on top of the fire. The spheres could be unloaded and filled with a vat truck in a place near the fire and then transported with a helicopter or plane that would deposit them on the fire. This is a more economical system than the current one, since currently the aircraft must make long distances to load water to the sea, swimming pools or reservoirs. The cost of each of these areas would be lower than the fuel consumption that is consumed in the journeys. It would also save in time, because it could act quickly and very accurately on the focus of the fire preventing its propagation. In addition, the foam they contain is highly flame retardant and is specially designed to drown fire quickly and is an advantage against water, since it is launched from very high distances, away from the fire, and the heat so great it evaporates. The spheres have an automatic detonator that causes them to explode a few meters from the flames so their effectiveness is far superior to that of traditional methods. The material from which the spheres are made is completely biodegradable and therefore does not cause any harm to the environment. This system can also be used at night with a kind of shuttles or catapults that would launch the capsules to the exact point necessary and also coupled to a dron, although in this case it would not be with spheres but with some wrapped packages that would carry inside The detonator together with the foam. It is a technology that has yet to be tested. Although not tested, it is patented. The owner would like to license it. We are willing to collaborate in the joint development of the technological solution, and we are willing to seek and find public financing in accordance with the development of the proposal. We are a small company focused on R & D + i. First in the approval of projects for public funding through state aid instruments and state taxation instruments. Second to offer outsourced services R & D + i in client companies.

Intellectual property status

Granted Patent

Patent number :

Where :

Granted Patent

Patent number : ?

Where : EU


Current development status

Working prototypes

Experimental technologies

Desired business relationship

Technology selling

Patent licensing

Technology development

Related Keywords

  • Agriculture and Marine Resources
  • Sylviculture, Forestry, Forest technology
  • Forest technology
  • Sylviculture, Forestry
  • Protecting Man and Environment

About GDE

We are a small company focused on R & D + i. First in the approval of projects for public funding through state aid instruments and state taxation instruments. Second to offer outsourced services R & D + i in client companies.

José Manuel Pérez Rodríguez

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